High Court abandons nation to terror

A decision by the High Court of Australia to refuse to consider an application evidencing extensive government corruption leaves the nation without legal protection from terror according to the applicant.

A former Australian Public Service [APS] Officer applied to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission for relief from unfair termination of employment when APS managers allegedly on three occasions deliberately injured him after he revealed endemic corruption within the APS agency Centrelink.

The applicant fled in terror from the Commission when a Commissioner ignored his submission that a Government Solicitor who was to cross-examine him had declined to act in good faith and assaulted him at a mediation conference the previous day.

The Federal Court declined to consider the evidence when the applicant represented himself and the High Court was the final constraint on government terror.

The High Court of Australia would appear to be nothing more than an elaborate fraud in support of terror perpetrated by a rogue Parliament under the governance of an absent Executive.
