Case casts doubt on Common and Statute law

An application for compensation documenting endemic government corruption which both the Federal and High Courts of Australia have declined to consider, the latter in contempt of the Constitution of Australia, reveals the extent of the fraud being perpetrated as justice in Australian courts.

The application argues that Common and Statute law contain no provision for law made by women applied only to women and law made by men applied only to men. Yet modern science is universally of the view that women and men are different because their brains are different. 'Brainsex - The Real Difference Between Men and Women' [Mandarin: 1985:5], for instance, indicates that "the brain, the chief administrative and emotional organ of life, is differently constructed in men and in women; it processes information in a different way, which results in different perceptions, priorities and behaviour".

Neither Common nor Statute law can reasonably or rationally be applied to either women or men.

Conceived by men and applied initially to men only, Common and Statute law was progressively made by and applied to women to the extent that women and men now randomly impose their views on each other in complete absence of a rational approach to the delivery of justice.

The case indicates that codes of conduct and the judicial principles of beyond reasonable doubt and on the balance of probabilities are also irrational when applied commonly to women and men, invalidating the entire justice system of Australia.

The solution is a republic with a womens senate and a mens assembly presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of womens and mens jurisdiction.