europe abandons australia

After centuries of government in Australia, Europe has finally abandoned the continent in a cesspool of corruption as the 2004 election contested unsuccessfully on lies illustrates.

Confirming the departure, the European Ombudsman has declined to consider a complaint of maladministration lodged as a last resort against an Australian Public Service Manager.

The complaint concerns the Manager's threat delivered on 22 June 2000 to charge me with harassment if I approached a Commonwealth Public Sector Union delegate to return a membership application form.

I  attempted to join the Union on advice from the Office of returned Federal Member of Parliament, Ms Tanya Plibersek, after I was persecuted following the expression of concern over a staff policy of Shared Behaviours, an irrational policy since women and men have different behaviours, albeit sharing activities.

When I notified the Administrative Appeals Tribunal of the Manager's threat during an application for worker's compensation, the presiding Senior Member attempted to murder me by allowing evidence to be introduced concerning the involvement of a Public Service Death Cult in the death of my wife which the Senior Member would reasonably have known would injure me, having agreed to disallow the evidence at the commencement of proceedings.

On the final day of proceedings the Senior Member's treachery bore fruit when I woke in a pool of blood from rectal bleeding fortunate to have survived the haemorrhage, and was unable to conclude the case.

When I notified the Australian Industrial Relations Commission of the Manager's threat in an application for unfair dismissal after I was sacked in my absence on sick leave for expressing concern over the policy, the presiding Commissioner colluded with the Senior Member through the Government Solicitor and refused to allow me to present any evidence whatsoever, then dismissed the application.

The Commonwealth Ombudsman, contrary to advice from the European Ombudsman, can't investigate employment disputes except in the Australian Defence Force and both the Federal Court and the High Court have declined to consider the evidence.

The Australian Government's pathological dishonesty is well documented, what is less known is the industry of Public Service corruption spawned, with crimes ranging from manslaughter, attempted murder and serious assault to the issuing of death threats, the denial of natural justice, perjury and persecution..

There is no agency in Australia to notify of Public Service corruption that is not itself corrupt.

With a bogus Constitution never ratified by a women's legislature providing for irrational elections in which women and men vote for each other there is no prospect for reform short of an Australian republic.