

equal rights administration

customary law

Australia's first peoples celebrate a tradition of secret and non-secret women's and men's business in which women exclude men from some ceremonies as do the men with women.

Penalties can be harsh in marginal ecologies to safeguard survival while mixed ceremony maintains harmony and secrecy preserves the integrity of law.

Confidentiality remains with penalties less severe when tradition is practiced in the contemporary context of parliament and corporate governance conducted by agreement between women's and men's legislatures, courts and committees.


With increasing numbers of women in parliament men have become emboldened to oppose with macho displays of willful obstruction.

Stonewalling would cease if women had their own legislature.

the real deal

A majority of the world’s democracies have a women's caucus to offer advice.

A parliament enacting law by agreement between women's and men's legislatures converts advice to authority.


A quota of women improves parliament and corporate management.

Governance conducted by agreement between women's and men's legislatures and committees achieves equity.

all aboard

When men gave women the vote in 1902 and allowed women to enter Australia's parliament the inclusion of women was considered an improvement.

The trial worked, governance has improved, its come time to consolidate with a legislature.

a better place

If men spent less time explaining to women how women should behave and more time concerned with their own behaviour the world would be a better place.

A parliament enacting law by agreement between a women's legislature and a men's legislature focuses men's minds on mutual benefit.

fair dinkum democracy

Australian men insult women by claiming expertise over women's life experience and by requiring women to claim expertise over men's life experience as a condition of admission to the parliament.

Democracy would be better served if insult was replaced with a women's legislature.

easy peasy

If, as a comments contributor claims, "Traumatised refugees who have lost their land, culture and extended relationships and who have no choice but to move into a new culture with which they have little or no acquaintance and no language ability have been able to make a fresh start, come to terms with the new reality, become successful and make a contribution to the host society within a matter of a generation or so", why has the Crown had so much trouble assimilating with Aborigines?

A parliament enacting law by agreement between women's and men's committees can't be all that difficult to achieve.


Australia's Constitution gives a majority of men in Parliament the power to ban women from voting and replace all women members with men.

Without a women's legislature all power in Australia is ultimately exercised by men.

short circuit

Commonwealth assistance to Aborigines short circuits because Australia's Constitution doesn't recognise a women's jurisdiction, sidelining the entire middle management of women's and men's committees.

A Constitution with provision for a women's legislature would reconcile assistance to all Australians.


A balance of power between women and men achieves a balance of power with nature.

A parliament enacting law by agreement between a women's legislature and a men's legislature achieves a balanced response with climate change.

the boardroom

The inclusion of women in the boardroom raises the status of all women in the workforce just as the inclusion of women in parliament raises the status of all women in the nation.

The true measure of equality is autonomy, enabled with law enacted by agreement between a women's legislature and a men's legislature governing boardroom decisions achieved by agreement between a women's committee and a men's committee.

The most disenfranchised women will no longer endure the indignity of men having the final say in their supervision.

opposition obsolete

The Parliament of Australia is entering a new decade with a Shadow Cabinet comprised of twenty men and two women, an absurd disproportion in the wake of the male generated global economic collapse.

Australia's first Parliament didn't legislate to admit women to have a Shadow Cabinet sideline women a century later.

* Anne Moir & David Jessel: 'Brainsex - The Real Difference Between Men and Women'

[1989:5 Mandarin]                 

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copyright brigitte unicorn and philip mckeon 2004-10