women and world peace

After examining the "economic and social effects of militarization, war and violence on the peoples of the world" the Women's Working Group of the World Peace Forum held in Vancouver 23-28 June, 2006 has issued a statement resolving that "[w]omen must be equally represented in economic and political structures and at the table in conflict resolution".

The statement contends that "[w]e women understand the contribution we must make to break the silence and debunk the fallacious arguments that peace and security can be achieved through the strength of militarization and violence."

"Concepts of war and militarism are deeply gendered and represent significant barriers to effectively achieving peace and disarmament. Women are aware that something terribly important is being left out. Ideas, concerns interests, information, feelings and meanings are not reflected in the discourse dominated by its association with masculinity."

Moreover, "[w]omen must be equally represented in economic and political structures".

The statement goes on to suggest that "[w]e desire to create alternative political structures that are more responsive to the diversity of both our urban and rural areas to empower civil society", and concludes with a "call on the peoples of the world to support women’s equality in building a peaceful, just and sustainable world.'

Government comprising women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of women's and men's jurisdiction is the obvious way to achieve world peace through the empowerment of women.

July 27, 2006
